Shipco® offers complete two-compartment stainless steel deaerators in 304L and 316L stainless steel. This is possible with both the atmospheric or pressurized designs. On the pressurized design, the material thickness will be governed by ASME code requirements. The mechanical deaeration process is one of the most money-saving methods for removing corrosive gases such as dissolved oxygen from your boiler feed water.
Benefits of a Stainless Steel Deaerators
Remember, it is critically important to protect the surge tank side of a two-compartment deaerator. The surge side is vented to the atmosphere and is very susceptible to corrosion as opposed to the DA side. Using 316L can provide the level of protection you need to extend the life of this receiver. In addition, Shipco® can do a single compartment DAs and surge tanks in all 316L or 304L stainless steel.
Also, this is vitally important in applications where customers do not operate their steam systems on a 24/7 basis would be protected from corrosion during their “off times”! This can also have the added benefit of providing additional protection to your boiler on start up.
***Of course Shipco® recommends operating your DA without disruption to maximize the effectiveness of the mechanical deaeration process.***
Please note: Systems that contain chlorides or other chemicals ending in “-ide” can cause premature failure in the stainless steel!
Boiler Room Equipment
When it comes to boiler room equipment from Shipco®, H.V. Burton Company can help find exactly what you need for your system. H.V. Burton Company can visit your facility and recommend exactly what you need. Also, we can test your water in your system as well as recommend exactly what you need to help maintain the long life of your equipment. Finally, contact H.V. Burton Company today. Give us a call at 734.261.4220 or use our easy contact form!