Maxi-Therm Vertical Flooded Heat Exchangers
Our Maxi-Therm Vertical Flooded Heat Exchangers require less steam, fewer components and less floor space than conventional shell and tube heat exchangers. Also, these units are ideal for steam to liquid Hydronic Heating, Domestic Hot Water, and Clean Steam applications. Please contact our application engineers to meet your project requirements.
Contact Our Experts
If you have questions about packaged steam-to-liquid heat exchangers that are available please call us today at 734.261.4220. We have decades of experience in steam-powered systems. We work first hand with Maxi Therm and have other options as well available. In addition, we can find the right systems that work best for you and your business. Steam-To-Liquid systems are a great way to provide heating for your building.
Located in Michigan and founded in 1959, H.V. Burton Company strives to provide the best customer service around. Also, we service all of Michigan as well as northwest Ohio. Along with Maxi Therm, we represent a large variety of companies for boiler room equipment, chemical treatment, heat transfer fluids, water conditioning and more. Schedule a visit today from an H.V. Burton Company representative today. Finally, we can provide a comprehensive plan for exactly what type of system you need.