One of H.V. Burton’s partner companies is Shipco Pumps. They are introducing the new Model U and Model MU Underground Pumps. Are you aware that Shipco® is the only manufacturer of a centrifugal underground style bronze fitted pump “Model U”? In addition, it can handle temperatures above 200°F. It is equipped with industry-standard motors available in single-phase or three-phase.
Water Treatment Company
H.V. Burton Company is the best water treatment company in Michigan. Many industries need water treatment, and a boiler system to run efficiently needs proper treatment. From schools to industrial buildings boiler water treatment is needed to help maintain the HVAC system.
Protect Your Piping and Equipment With Glycol
Not only is glycol used for freeze protection, it is also very important for protecting your piping and equipment in the warmer months. In order to keep your HVAC systems safe, your glycol percentage must remain in a predetermined range. To get a head start on the upcoming season, the H.V. Burton Company is offering free testing of water samples to get your systems in range!
Peraspray And Sanitizer Available
With the outbreak of COVID 19, companies are under even more pressure to keep employees safe and their areas sanitized. One product available now that can help combat this is a PeraSpray. At H.V. Burton COmpany we have partnered with EnviroTech to offer companies a PeraSpray. This spray is a ready-to-use Peraceticx Acid Sanitizer for food or beverage. Also, this spray can be used on a multitude of surfaces to help sanitize the areas.
H.V. Burton Company Offering Hand Sanitizer
With the virus outbreak, many stores have essential items that are out of stock due to panic and hoarding. Toilet paper, flour, and hand sanitizer are just a few of the items that people cannot get a hold of. However you don’t have to worry about a shortage in sanitizers because, here at HV Burton, we now offer hand sanitizer and surface sanitizers for sale!